Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Is Air Conditioners Inverter Technology

the Libertarian?

A liberal value, a Libertarian or just someone who wants a proper and transparent use of public funds - money from those who pay taxes - which do read the headlines might be stunned to see that the person who appears to defend as his ideal is the member of Québec solidaire Amir Khadir, a coalition of real (s) feminists, Marxists, Communists , socialists, nationalists and separatists or not, some libertarians, etc..

However, it should read a little further down and listen more detail his motivations for exploring the member Khadir is not a person more rational than the vast majority of our statist politicians.

For Mr. Khadir, it would be completely silly and stupid to go massively subsidize large private companies including banks with public funds, even in times of crisis. The Libertarian
near the Austrian School of Economics will say quite agree with that statement. You can not take other people's money without asking his opinion individually. Otherwise, it is a form of theft.

But the member added that, instead, heavily subsidize other lobbies, those who put the words "green", "solidarity", "citizens" when describing their own activities. (Note also that these lobbies are his constituents. A sort of patronage so.)
>> See the comment of August 8, 2009 at 13h02 .

Never did Khadir said against subsidies, c is even the opposite in reality . He believes his colleagues elected interventionist and statist / Keynesian or other political parties in Quebec.

Recently, Mr. Khadir said that wages and funds used by Member of the National Assembly should be known. A new applause from those who have seen only the tip of the iceberg.

The hidden mass, which was revealed during a radio interview with Jean-François Plante is that Mr. Khadir is not opposed to the many compensations and benefits of members. Quite the contrary!
Khadir then turns the subject on the "evil private enterprise" (favorite subject after "it's the rich to pay for my services") when it does justify the unjustifiable for himself or defend his own "privileges" of elected.

In the same interview, he noted another scandal of our political system: that of partisan appointments to prestigious positions and well paid.

But, again, if Mr. Khadir was in power, I do not think, despite his criticisms, he would try to change this system. It probably would appoint and his henchmen just on these boards - as did the former ruling parties - in addition to creating new state enterprises to support its causes "green", "solidarity" or "civic . So
more new seats, plus new spaces for party friends. If

Khadir would be truly rational, having put his finger on problems related to abuse or excessive concentration of power in the hands of a few politicians, he should fight for those that reduce / her powers, so that privatize inefficient and corrupt public institutions and finally gives you more freedom to citizens and taxpayers.

Down centralization and the United States ever more controlling, he should say.

PS1 Mr. Khadir: There is a difference between public and private funds. Public funds are funds raised without the direct consent and real people - in the sense that if they were asked their opinion individually, they would voluntarily donate the money they want and who they want rather than entrust it to politicians "superhuman" and officials
Private funds, like the stock market, are the result of a consent. If a shareholder or a mutual fund is that a board is disconnected from reality and it could destroy the company, it can remove all the balls by selling its securities.
is also the act of withdrawing, which may encourage a company to issue wake up and reform. At

Conversely, a taxpayer may not request to withdraw money from an organization or a state enterprise or mismanaged in which he does not want help because it goes against his free will or freedom of conscience.
Force it in the real world to give X% of his salary and it can go, ultimately, to his imprisonment if he does not pay the amount the state asked.

PS2: Personally, I find it somewhat sad that no party talks and a speech violates fiscal responsibility. freedom and transparency in the National Assembly in parliament or even the White House.

As Amir Khadir, Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy and several political leaders were quick to publicly condemn members of boards of private companies, saying they were earning too much in times of crisis.
But, as always Mr. Khadir, they never showed an example and said they would cut off the first in their own salaries of elected officials in times of crisis.

Good thing our good whistleblower policies are more virtuous than the people they denounce free ...


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