Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Holy Pubic School Seay Gril

Promises Fall ...

... Gone with the wind!

Considering the number of khommentaires khronikhe published in the previous order to spare mice from our fans an arduous journey to the last gossip, we open this new space for the expression of popular enthusiasm aroused by our revered Caliph pantomimes [Blessed be His Glorious Ego Editorials] .

Our concern has nothing to do the henchmen of his Khomité Skhrutation Gazettes Sentients, whose IQ is riveted to the scallops, wild-eyed and speechless, in the first quarter of khommentaires, in a desperate attempt to understand the meaning , failing to have the ability to perceive the true substance.

After subsequent digressions and tall stories which closed the previous chapter, the theme of exciting light stomach upsets arising from our horrific gossip among sensitive souls, it is time to return to more serious subjects, if indeed it is decent to use this attribute citing the Caliph and his sycophants.

We begin with a footnote to the relevant observation Sire Khandide on the content of the last khonseil Khalifa. The spooky

Scheme General Circulation is not the only trick that illusionist of our Caliph promised us in his surprise package for this autumn. In his

Edito-nonsense last May, we outlined a "Another major issue on which we work" , namely a grand "Communal Charter ... blah ... blah ..." which we announced it " should be presented to citizens from the beginning of September " .

Once again, the miraculous year of this revelation is not specified. Does it mean that the concept of "working on folder" , is for our elected officials to sit in the choir above With complacency customary subservient to them?