Friday, October 22, 2010

Women Strangling With Feet

for Master in Translation Soft Banana

day off for me today, I could grab some bananas I was missing these days through an understanding of our guests and I slept like Kobo Daishi beside the Buddhas and patriarchs as his statue in his bed Zentsuji.
But it's true that I face from the beginning a lot of demons that I still struggling tech updates of my serious blogonzo, I-book with little strength, slow connections, G9 Canon camera with almost no battery and blunders of various technoob fall on me as Gravelotte while I still have not Gokosho, the ultimate weapon anti-demons of Vajrayana Buddhism.

So today '"s I enjoy outage appaleril my photo to put some hard facts to Crobard, picked at random a few short moments of respite that left me a generous program of Minister Plenipotentiary Mie san.

What is unfortunate is that Steve had to leave us before the end of the stay ouiiin sniff and return to Tokyo today as the university claims the pain of blowing up his purse.
And in the stock market is sacred Gaudin LOL!
must be currently geek and downloader in the train to Tokyo as always ...

I'm a little sad to see him go because I do not know when we will review, at least it was great to have him with us because his fluent Japanese and talents of techno-geek has often saved the day.
Big up, son, and thank you, you pony Roxe as always!

Luckily good old Thierry is there to console me averc his antics and his hilarious imitations!

It goes from the more raucous joking to the absolute concentration of the tea ceremony, like the other night to celebrate in song of the surf we met with Masuda san where he served as a perfect tea master in hotel room with his own stuff brought from France, that's traveling companion!
All three I think we make the pilgrims Henro-san fairly non-standard Mouahah!
What the journalists rejoice because we had simmered Mie Ozaki a fairly rich media plan. It's simple, I can not count the interviews, newspaper articles (and not least Nikkei Shinbun, Asahi sinbun, Yomiuri Shinbun and other more local) and tv reports on three of Henro gaijin.
Funny, last night, leaving all three with Aki, David and his wife Yatsuyo an izakaya, a Japanese restaurant and bar where booze and typical one tastes a whole lot of delicious dishes, we had the surprised to bump into a group of Japanese who have recognized our way after a few hours before TV news (!) NihonNishin on TV.

(We'll see if we can put the vid on Utube or similar if you REALLY want me to do silly faces on TV eating udon mouhaha)

She was accompanied by two TV cameramen with whom we sympathize, that of KZS TV (local) met at the very beginning in the Temple in the Clouds and that of NihonNishin, quite alcoholic, who had a long shot that morning during our last visit to the temple pilgrimage.
Anyway, my companions were caring for my banana Flapper, we did not go partying or went to karaoke with bloggers, I had an energy level comparable to my battery.

But tonight it bathes my fanny then returned Ashita mata, see you tomorrow!


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