Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cake Templates For Good Luck


Sensational rebound
The constabulary the Empire on the trail of a dangerous psykhopathe
Background: In the night of 16 Abib 1724, a violent fire broke out in the studio of renowned landscape artist Master Khakhao, reducing to ashes all his work.
Investigations conducted by our special correspondent EnkhĂȘteur Mulot, in collaboration with the agent sekhret Mulot Chevalier d'Eon, allow us to unveil our lekhteurs below this mysterious case.
In this fatal night, about 22 o'clock sharp, a stranger impersonating the Caliph and imitating his voice, sent a message to Master vokhal Khakhao, ordering him to burn his paintings, under penalty of a eStation © ® ™ by Justice for infringement of her privacy and image theft. The thief said he was with his avokhat record.
amazed by the frenzy, Master Khakhao replied to this individual that he was wasting his time and money with this nonsense childhood. To which the thief replied Khonseillers his had given him carte blanche to tap into the khassette Khalifa, to pay the Estate © ® ™ with moneys khontribuables. The individual then forged a female voice to utter incoherent words about a dark history of anonymous missives.
Having already been subjected to similar threats in the recent past, the painter Khakhao considered foolish statements of the caller could be that expression of delirium a raving lunatic. Fearing for his life and that of his family, he visited his workshop and set fire to his canvases.
the usurper's allusion to the use of khassette Khalifa, less than three hours after the deliberation of the Caliph Khonseillers on this and so grotesque that this decision does had still been no publication, intrigued enkhĂȘteurs and encourages them to seek this dangerous psykhopathe in the near surroundings of the caliph.
Until light is shed on this strange case, the authorities recommend extreme caution to amateur painters of the Caliphate. According to our expert Psykhiatre Mulot, the mere fact of having donned the identity of the Caliph to engage in this despicable blackmail, in this individual indicates a profound disturbance of personality. The mere sight of a canvas, a brush or a tube of paint, could cause an uncontrollable fit of madness.


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